3rd Maintenance Battalion

3rd Maintenance Battalion Logo
3rd Marine Logistics Group
Our mission is to provide general support, task organized direct support, and field maintenance support for Marine Corps furnished tactical ordnance, engineer, motor transport, and communications-electronics and general support equipment of III MEF

3rd Maintenance Battalion Leaders

Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel David A. Janecke
Lieutenant Colonel David A. Janecke
Commanding Officer, 3D Maintenance Battalion

In 2019 LtCol Janecke attended Air Command and Staff College where he earned a masters in Operational Art and Science. After graduation he was assigned to Special Operations Command Africa. During this assignment he served as the regional desk officer and logistics planner for Northwest Africa.  In 2023 LtCol Janecke was assigned to Marine Corps Logistics Group where he served as the Exercise Department OIC.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Rodger K. Bond
Sergeant Major Rodger K. Bond
Sergeant Major, 3rd Maintenance Battalion

In January 2011, Sergeant Bond received orders to MALS-11 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar, California. He was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant in September 2011. In January 2012, he deployed with MALS-16 (REIN) to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. While at MALS-11, Staff Sergeant Bond served as Training and Licensing SNCOIC, Support Equipment Production Control Chief, Division Chief, and Quality Assurance Representative.

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Unit Contact Information

UNIT 38422
FPO AP 96380

Battalion Duty Officer

DSN: 315-637-1207 / CELL: +81 80-8590-7603

Email: 3MLGCLR35MAINTBN.OOD.fct@usmc.mil

The Relocation Assistance Program offers comprehensive programs and workshops geared towards assisting service members, their families, and DoD civilians navigate their way through the sometimes stressful relocation process...

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The Single Marine Program (SMP) functions to support single Marines’ leisure interests and Quality of Life (QOL) concerns. SMP serves as the voice for single Marines in identifying concerns, developing initiatives, and providing recommendations through advocacy, recreational activities, special events, and community involvement.

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The New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a professional team of social workers, counselors, and registered nurses who provide education and support to Marine families who are expecting or raising children aged 0 -5 years old. The NPSP also hosts baby boot camp and group parenting classes, playgroups, and home visits for Marines and their families.

The NPSP is designed to be a reliable resource of information and answers for moms and dads. We offer free home visitations, classes, and groups to promote positive parent-child bonding and attachment as well as balancing family and military life.

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Making the most of your money starts with five building blocks for managing and growing your money -- The MyMoney Five (Earn, Save & Invest, Protect, Spend, Borrow). Keep these five principles in mind as you make day-to-day decisions and plan your financial goals. This website is organized around the MyMoney Five principles so you can quickly identify resources and tools to help you in these areas.

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Transition Readiness Program (TRP) provides our transitioning Marines and their families with the resources and tools needed to reach their personal goals and includes a standardized core curriculum.

The Transition Readiness Program (TRP) works to ensure that Marines are prepared for their transition from military to civilian life and provides Marines and their families with the tools and resources needed to pursue the Department of Defense directed Career Readiness Standards.  The program promotes awareness of the Career Readiness Standards (CRS) that Service Members must meet to create a successful transition and meet TAP compliance per the 10 U.S.C. § 1142(a)(4). Service Members must comply with the below conditions to become TAP compliant.

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Good day Everyone,

My name is Delana Jemison, and I am the Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC), formerly referred to as the Family Readiness Officer (FRO).  I am looking forward to working with all of you and your families here or back stateside.  The goal of the Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) is to ensure consistent, timely and accurate Official Command Communication; provide Information, Resource and Referral Services; Readiness and Deployment Support and lastly Volunteer Management.  All of this is provided to enhance our Marine’s or Sailor’s personal and family readiness.

As the DRC, my role is to act as a liaison between families and the command by facilitating two-way communication.  Additionally, I can assist you with referral to community resources provided through the Department of Defense (DoD) and Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS). In the event of a deployment, I will be a resource for information, workshops, and support services that help ease the burden placed on families.  I will also be assisting with all the unit events such as family days and holiday parties. 

Having detailed my role as the DRC, I would like to ask for your support in the UPFRP.  The Family Readiness Program realizes that the program cannot thrive to its greatest potential without the support of the Marines, Sailors, and their families.  Please know that any input or ideas you may have for the program are valued and very much appreciated.

Again, I look forward to working with all of you and hearing from you with any ideas, comments or concerns.  Your input along with volunteer participation will enable the unit to provide an active and successful program to you as well as  the families of our battalion.  Feel free to contact me or stop by my main office located at 3d SGX (3d Supply Battalion), bldg. 708, room 108 on Camp Kinser.

Lastly, please click on the 3d SGX emblem in my signature block to find us on Facebook.  Alternatively, you may search ‘3d Sustainment Group’ on FaceBook, InstaGram, and LinkedIn.




Semper FRO,


Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC)

3d Sustainment Group Experimental (3d SGX)/

3d Supply Battalion/3d Maintenance Battalion

3d Marine Logistics Group,

Camp Kinser, Okinawa Japan

☎DSN 637-2242

☎COMM: 011-81-61-1737-2242


3d Marine Logistics Group