The MCO 5354.1G establishes Marine Corps policy, procedures, and responsibilities for preventing and responding to PAC behaviors that involve harassment, hazing, bullying, prohibited discrimination, and sexual harassment.
Mr. Andron Anderson
Equal Opportunity Advisor
3rd Marine Logistics Group
Bldg 110 Rm 149
DSN: 315-637-1748
Government Cell: 080-8373-6696
Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) is a function of command. Marine Corps leaders must ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in and out of combat. “Taking care of Marines” means vigorously enforcing our high standards of performance and conduct. We will hold each other accountable and address violations expeditiously, at the lowest appropriate level.
The responsibility of a successful MEO program rests with the commander. Commanders have earned special trust and confidence and are accountable for all of their decisions, actions, and inactions. The Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC) prevention and response measures provide commanders the discretion to assess, investigate, and take corrective action to ensure unit cohesion and warfighting effectiveness.
Marine Corps small unit leaders, company-grade officers and mid-grade staff noncommissioned officers (SNCOs) have experience, maturity, and close daily connection to our most junior Marines. These leaders are in the best position to lead, educate, train, supervise, and instill our high standards.
As Marines and Sailors, we are expected to maintain and hold each other to the highest professional standards. I expect all Marines and Sailors to embrace and promote fair and equitable treatment of everyone, through a climate of trust, dignity, and respect, across our formation. We are all responsible to each other for the safeguarding of equal opportunity because it is inherent to our core values.
Everyone in this command is a leader and equal opportunity is a leadership issue that requires our full attention. All members of this command will be treated with fairness, dignity and respect, and will have the opportunity to achieve their goals regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
Diversity, trust, and unit cohesion allow us to capitalize on the tremendous talent and experience that each individual contributes to the team. Discrimination, abuse {e.g., hazing, bullying, ostracism, and retaliation), and harassment of any form erode this trust and cohesiveness, but more importantly, they limit our ability to perform our critical mission of defending America. We will not tolerate unprofessional, offensive, or intimidating behavior that creates an unhealthy or unproductive work environment.
I direct all personnel, regardless of rank or position, to take immediate, decisive action to stop and correct unacceptable behavior as it occurs. Complaints or Third Party Reporters may file a complaint using the informal or formal resolution system. Reprisal or acts of intimidation related to a complaint will be subject to disciplinary or administrative action. Similarly, anyone who knowingly makes a false allegation of prohibited activities and conduct may be subject to disciplinary or administrative action. Assistance is available through you chain of command, your respective unit Equal Opportunity Representative, or the 3D MLG Equal Opportunity Advisor.
A zero-tolerance environment requires a united effort and a commitment to the team to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Our mission success depends on the ideal that all Marines and Sailors are afforded the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential by investing in and leveraging their collective and individual skills, strengths, knowledge, abilities, education, aptitudes, and professional development. Proactive and engaged leadership is key to eliminating destructive behaviors and maintaining a healthy command culture. This will occur at all levels.
"For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."

You can report through your
1. Chain of Command
The Chain of Command is the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to complaints of PAC. Use of the chain of command to address PAC exemplifies trust in leadership to quickly and effectively address violations of our standards.
2. Equal Opportunity Coordinator (EOC)
The EOC are appointed by the Commander and will assist the command facilitating PAC training, standing inspections and serve as the units’ survey administrator for Command Climate Assessments. EOC will NOT conduct complaint intakes, they will do a warm hand off with the servicing EOA.
3. Equal Opportunity Advisor
EOAs are the Marine Corps SMEs on command climate and PAC. EOAs are assigned by DC M&RA. 3rd MLG EOA DSN 315-637-1748, and email: