Combat Logistics Battalion 4

The official logo for Combat Logistics Battalion 4. CLB-4 provides direct support and tactical logistics to 4th Marine Regiment beyond its organic capabilities in the areas of motor transport and landing support.(U.S. Marine Corps Graphic By Cpl. Hunter Barber)
3rd Marine Logistics Group
Combat Logistics Battalion 4 provides direct support and tactical logistics to 4th Marine Regiment beyond its organic capabilities in the areas of motor transport and landing support.

Assessment: CLB-4 has achieved a positional advantage by co-locating with 4th Marine Regiment, focusing on the ACM mission, and the creation of the Combat Logistics Detachment at CATC Fuji


Purpose: We will capitalize on pur recent gains and oppurtunities in order to solidify CLB-4 as the best unit for Combat Service Support Marines to grow & develop, and the force of choice for the JTF and III MEF. My enduring and priorities are Readiness and Leadership Development.


Method: I intend to use the teep, Campaign Plans,  and the Lines of Effort (LOEs) to provide focus and bring a whole of battalion effort to develop our ability as warfighters that do logistics. We will consolidate, pursue, and exploit our advantages.

Deployment Readiness Coordinator 



DSN: 645-7420

Unit Readiness Coordinator 


DSN: 625-2477 


"Taking Care of Our Most Important Resource"


To provide the most responsive, caring and professional support to all 3d MLG family members thereby increasing both family and warfighting readiness.


The goal of personal and family readiness programs is to provide resource information and training in addition to support services to enhance a service member’s personal and family readiness. A service member must ensure their personal and family affairs are in order so that they will remain fully focused on the mission, whether in garrison or in combat. A ready service member and their family:

  • Are prepared for family separations and life events
  • Understand the additional responsibilities that will fall on the family when the service member departs
  • Are knowledgeable of and able to utilize information about benefits, entitlements, programs, and services provided through the Department of Defense, the Marine Corps, and the community

  • Are knowledgeable of command structure and resources available to assist and contribute to personal and family readiness goals


To educate, train, and prepare service members and families to achieve and maintain a high state of personal readiness and resiliency in response to life’s events by providing information, tools, resources and support to empower them to take care of themselves.

To download CLB-4's Unit Personal and Family Readiness Program Policy Letter click on the document below.

CLB-4 Marines and Sailors will be personally committed to ensuring the safety of every Marine, Sailor, and family member. We cannot afford to lose a single Marine or Sailor to death or serious injury due to unsafe practices or reckless behavior. I trust you and your teams to embrace this commitment to each other – we will preserve this trust and promise of Semper Fidelis through our disciplined approach to safety...

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I trust you and I trust your Team. Trust stands out as the central element in successful mission command and our long legacy as a Corps. We must promote, engender, and protect the trust in our battalion. We will treat each other with dignity, respect, and justice. Actions to the contrary including hazing, bullying, ostracism, retaliation, and sexual harassment erode the fabric of trust and security in our unit and are a threat to our mission. These actions are considered Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC)...

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Command Deck

Company and Staff Sections 

 Executive Officer           



Headquarters and Service Company Commander          



Officer of the Day OOD


Motor  Transportation Company

































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 From Cell Phone Dial:


Combat Logistics Battalion 4 Leaders

Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Nathan J. Green
Lieutenant Colonel Nathan J. Green
Commanding Officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 4

Major Green completed the Marine Corps’ Expeditionary Warfare School Non-resident course in 2016 and the Naval Command and Staff resident course at the U.S. Naval War College in 2021.  While at the U.S. Naval War College, he also attained a Master’s Degree in Defense and Strategic Studies.  From July 2021 – May 2024, he served in the following billets while assigned to U.S. Special Operations Command:  SOCOM J4, Joint Property Oversight Branch Chief; Combined Special Operations Joint Task Force – Levant, J45 Plans and Readiness Division Chief; and SOCOM J4, Plans, Strategy, Posture & Programming Branch Chief.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Michael W. Charneske
Sergeant Major Michael W. Charneske
Sergeant Major, Combat Logistics Battalion 4

During his time with 2/8, he held billets such as Rifleman and Fire Team Leader. He also completed two deployments; to Ramadi, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Helmond Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. During his time in 2/8 he achieved the rank of Corporal, and upon reenlistment received orders to Marine Security Guard School, Quantico, Virginia.     

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3d Marine Logistics Group