We want to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who is relocating to Okinawa! Okinawa is a fabulous place to be assigned to and we want to ensure your tour starts off right by providing every possible resource to ensure your relocation to Okinawa is as easy as possible.
Want to learn more about where to shop, eat and play in Okinawa? Looking for transportation schedules for the Green Line and the off-base bus system? Download MCCS Okinawa Liberty App as it provides this and much, much more on what is available on Okinawa.
Okinawa is located approximately 400 miles south of mainland Japan. Okinawa is home to III Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Installation Pacific (MCIPAC). Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler (MCB Camp Butler), which falls under MCIPAC, includes Camp Kinser, Camp Foster, Camp Courtney, Camp Hansen, Camp Schwab, and Camp Gonsalves. Okinawa is also home to Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Major subordinate commands falling under the III Marine Expeditionary Force include 3rd Marine Logistics Group, 3rd Marine Division, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. Navy presence on Okinawa includes Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa with its tenant commands and the U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa on Camp Foster. Naval facilities are physically located throughout Okinawa (on Kadena Air Base, Camp Shields, and White Beach Naval Facility). There is also a significant Air Force and Army presence on Okinawa located at Kadena Air Base and Torii Station. Among what is available on Okinawa, please know that there are Off-Limits Establishments and Areas that are outlined in the IIIMEF/MCIPAC-MCBBBul 5800.
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Resource & Referral: Useful Websites
American Red Cross Okinawa - Red Cross Okinawa Branch offer various training, disaster and emergency services.
Animal Quarantine Service - Animal quarantine is a quarantine system that is implemented worldwide for the purpose of preventing the incursion of animal illnesses and diseases.
Armed Forces Phone Directory - Complete U.S. Forces Phone Directory containing all Marine, Navy, Air Force & Army installation phone numbers, dialing directions & more.
DECA Commissaries - Information on base commissaries to include food alerts and product recalls.
Deployment Kids.com – Activities for children experiencing parent’s deployment.
DoDEA Pacific - DoD Pacific School System provides information on DoD schools through the Pacific.
FOCUS - Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS) provides resiliency and communication training for military couples and families. It teaches practical skills to meet the challenges of deployment and reintegration, to communicate and solve problems effectively, and to successfully set goals together and create a shared family story.
Importing Pets to Japan Handbook - Useful information on importing pets to Japan.
Japan Update Newspaper - Local Okinawa news in English.
Kadena Force Support- Information on programs, facilities, and local USAF resources on island.
Kadena Weather- Local weather information including typhoon warnings and sea conditions.
Marine Corps Base Camp S.D. Butler - Camp Butler Installation information, including newcomer information, housing and transportation.
Marine Corps Family Team Building - provides resources and services to foster personal growth and enhance the readiness of Marine Corps families. MCFTB Okinawa is comprised of the following: Readiness and Deployment Support; Lifestyle Insights, Networking, Knowledge and Skills (L.I.N.K.S.); LifeSkills which includes Spouses' Learning Series (SLS); Pre-marital Seminar; Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP); Chaplains Religious Enrichment and Development Operations (CREDO); and Japanese Spouses Orientation (JSO).
MCCS Okinawa Deployment Support-MCCS deployment support provides information on programs available to deployed service members and their families.
MCCS Okinawa - Information on programs, facilities, and local USMC Installation resources on island.
MCCS Okinawa Child Development Centers - MCCS childcare registration information and costs.
MCCS Okinawa Marine and Family Programs – Resources - offers self-directed or intervention services in the areas of financial management, Newcomers orientation, sponsorship information, move planning, and retirement/transition guidance.
Military OneSource - Free products, information and assistance for many different situations that arise with military life.
Military Spouse Online– Articles and resources from the magazine Military Spouse.
MilitaryHOMEFRONT - DOD website focusing on quality of life issues to include PCS, employment, deployment support and more.
MotoMail –Free service to have email transferred to paper mail for delivery to Marines in Afghanistan & Iraq.
National Military Family Association - National Military Family Association (NMFA) advocates military families on their rights, benefits and services, and educates on important issues relating to military families.
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society - Provides emergency financial assistance to eligible recipients through interest-free loans.
New Parent Support Program - NPSP has a team of professional nurses and social workers who provide supportive and caring services to all military families with children under the age of six. Parents can depend on NPSP as a reliable source of information and answers. Take advantage of one of our programs!
U.S. Navy Hospital Okinawa - U.S. Naval Hospital located on Camp Lester. Information regarding branch clinics, pharmacies and appointments.
Okinawa Branch Veterinary Treatment Facility - Okinawa Branch Veterinary Treatment Facility, includes listings of off-base veterinary services and PCS import requirements.
Okinawa hai - Blog by military service members and spouses on local attractions, restaurants, shopping etc.
The Exchange – Contains information and links about AAFES facilities, online shopping, the School Meal Program, and theater schedules.
TRICARE- TRICARE is the healthcare program serving uniformed service members, retirees and their families worldwide.
USO Okinawa- USO services for families of service members.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Overseas - Women, Infant & Children Overseas Program provides qualifying families with important benefits such as nutritious food, tip on how to prepare balanced meals, nutrition and health screenings, and access to other resources that help you and your family lead healthier lives.
Single Marine Program - The SMP contributes to the improvement of total force readiness, job performance, and retention by supporting the enhancement of Quality Of Life (QOL) for all single Marines, including unaccompanied Marines.
Wounded Warrior Regiment - The Wounded Warrior Regiment provides and facilitates assistance to wounded, ill, and injured Marines, Sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their family members in order to assist them as they return to duty or transition to civilian life.