3rd Medical Battalion

3rd Medical Battalion Logo
3rd Marine Logistics Group
To provide direct and general health service support to III MEF in order to sustain the combat effort across the full spectrum of MAGTF operations.

3rd Medical Battalion Leaders

Portrait of Captain Justin C. Logan
Captain Justin C. Logan
Commanding Officer, 3rd Medical Battalion

Captain Logan’s military awards include: Meritorious Service Medal (4th award), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3rd award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2nd award).

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Portrait of Commander Mohenish K. Daughtry
Commander Mohenish K. Daughtry
Executive Officer, 3rd Medical Battalion

Commander Daughtry completed a residency in Family Medicine at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL graduating in June 2013. She completed Field Medical Service Officer course at Camp Pendleton, CA, and served as the Senior Medical officer and Battalion surgeon for Headquarters Battalion, 3d Marine Division Okinawa, Japan. She supported multiple deployment exercises partnering with host nation militaries. She then transferred to U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa and served as the Department Head for Branch Medical Clinic, Bush from August 2015 to October 2017.

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Portrait of Command Master Chief Mamadou Sambe
Command Master Chief Mamadou Sambe
Command Master Chief, 3rd Medical Battalion

In March 2007, HM2 Sambe transferred to 2d Medical Battalion, 2d Marine Logistics Group where he was advanced to Petty Officer First Class. While there, he served as Training Chief and LPO of Charlie Surgical Company. He also deployed to Fallujah in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in 2007-2008 and served as the Ancillary and Surgical Services Chief. He also served as the Battalion Security Manager and Command Fitness Leader. During this tour, he was selected and advanced to Chief Petty Officer.

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Command Quarter Deck/OOD
Calling from the USA:  011-81-611-970-7600
DSN: 315-645-9564
OOD Cell: 090-6861-7600

Calling from the USA:  011-81-611-970-4197
DSN: 315-645-4197
E-mail: M_3DMLGDLMedBnS-1_UD@usmc.mil


Calling from the USA:  011-81-611-970-9583 or 011-81-611-970-9585
DSN:  315-645-9585
E-mail: 3DMED_Sponsorship@usmc.mil

Mailing Address
Commanding Officer
3d Medical Battalion
Unit 38445
FPO, AP  96373-8445

Welcome to 3d Medical Battalion, 3D Marine Logistics Group!

First, I’d like to properly introduce myself. My name is Larry Borum and I am the Deployment Readiness Coordinator, formerly known as the Family Readiness Officer for 3d Medical Battalion. My job here at the battalion is to ensure a smooth transition for the Marines and Sailors as well as their families, by providing timely communication, readiness, and deployment support, in addition to information and resource referral. Anything that you would like to know about the Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) in general and what it can do for you and your family specifically, you need only ask. I am essentially your resources kiosk. If you need information about finding a job, things to do on the island, getting into school, Marine Corps / Navy Family Team Building programs etc., my office is a good place to begin your quest. The goal for our UPFRP is to provide the tools that foster independent dependents. With that in mind, we offer:

• Monthly spouse-led workshops as part of our Lunch & Learn series. These workshops are geared towards educating spouses of available resources.
• Semi-annual social events designed to help supplement your support networks.
• Quarterly volunteer opportunities within the Okinawa community to help make this a uniquely memorable duty station.

Here at 3d Medical Battalion, we strongly believe in becoming familiar with your resources before you need them. Our unique position in the Marine Corps requires us to be at optimal levels of readiness. That includes ensuring the proper welfare of the families, and it starts with service members completing their Contact Authorization Form, updating their Marine Online Family Readiness Contacts, and for those with dependents, creating an executable Family Care Plan. I can assist with information for all of the above.
Marine Corps life has its challenges and my intent is to alleviate some of those hardships by facilitating knowledge to Marines, Sailors, parents, siblings, and dependents. Here at 3d Medical Battalion we pride ourselves on our strong sense of family and community values. We hope that your time here on Okinawa will produce long-lasting friendships and many fond memories. Again, welcome to our family!

Warmest Regards,

Larry Borum
Deployment Readiness Coordinator
3d Medical Battalion
Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan
DSN: 315 645-3179
Cell: 080-3437-5404
Int'l Cell: 011-81-80-3437-5404


Calling from Overseas?



https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help-now/chat (recommended)


Call 00800 1273 8255 or DSN 118


Call 080-855-5118 or DSN 118


Call 00 1 800 273 8255 or DSN 111


Dial #MYVA or 02-8550-3888 and press 7

Text Option:  838255

Chat Option

Service Members overseas may contact the crisis lifeline via the chat modality at https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help-now/military-crisis-line/




The 988 expansion directly addressed the need for ease of access and clarity in times of crisis, both for Veterans and non-Veterans alike.


Veterans Crisis Line responders are continuing to support Veterans, service members, and their families via 988. Responders are trained in crisis intervention and military culture.


To reach the Veterans Crisis Line, Veterans need to Press 1 after dialing 988. Veterans and service members who Press 1 are routed to the same trained Veterans Crisis Line responders, 24/7. The Veterans Crisis Line is also available by chat (VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat) and text (838255). The Veterans Crisis Line’s 800 number remains operational for anyone utilizing the 10-digit number option.


The Veterans Crisis Line is evaluating a new text option for Veterans and their supporters to reach caring, qualified responders 24/7. Upon activation, Veterans will still be able to text via 838255.


The Veterans Crisis Line’s 800 number is partnered with SAMHSA’s Lifeline network and is, therefore, a Continental United States (CONUS)-based toll-free number that remains active. As such, some international calls may incur a charge, depending upon the caller’s location and network provider. Nonetheless, a Veteran overseas may contact the Veterans Crisis Line via the chat modality at VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat. If the Veteran prefers a phone call, they can request this within the chat venue. A Veterans Crisis Line responder will call them at the number they provide at no charge to the Veteran.

For active-duty personnel (VeteransCrisisLine.net/ActiveDuty.aspx), the Veterans Crisis Line is available:

  • In Japan, call 1-800-273-8255 (international calling fees will apply depending on service provider)  or DSN 988
  • In Europe, call 00800 1273 8255 or DSN 118.
  • In Korea, call 080-855-5118 or DSN 118.
  • In Afghanistan, call 00 1 800 273 8255 or DSN 111.
  • In the Philippines, call #MYVA or 02-8550-3888 and press 7
3d Marine Logistics Group