GySgt Jack Flemming

Equal Opportunity Advisor

Combat Logistics Regiment 37

Bldg. 107 Rm 130




“The MCO 5354.1G establishes Marine Corps policy, procedures, and responsibilities for preventing and responding to PAC behaviors that involve harassment, hazing, bullying, prohibited discrimination, and sexual harassment.



Uniformed and civilian leadership at every level must ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, to operate inside actively contested maritime spaces in support of fleet operations. “Taking care of Marines” means enforcing our high professional standards of performance, conduct and discipline. We will hold each other accountable, recognize superior performance and address violations.

The responsibility of a successful MEO Program rests with the commander. Commanders have earned special trust and confidence and are accountable for all their decisions, actions, and inactions. The PAC prevention and response measures in enclosure (2) of this Order provides commanders the tools to assess, investigate, and take corrective action to ensure unit cohesions and warfighting effectiveness.

Unit leaders, company-grade officers, and staff non-commissioned officers (SNCOs) have experience, maturity, and close daily connection to junior Marines and Sailors. These leaders are in the best position to instill core values, train, supervise, mentor, and lead by their example.



Prohibited discriminatory and harassment practices within the Marine Corps are counter-productive, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. The Marine Corps will maintain a culture of dignity, care, and concern in which all members of the organization are afforded equal treatment and opportunity to achieve their full potential based upon individual merit, fitness, intellect, and ability. All Service members will cultivate an environment free from PAC. PAC undermine morale, reduce combat readiness, and prevent maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’ most vital asset: its people.



You can report through your 

 1. Chain of Command

     The Chain of Command is the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to complaints of PAC. Use of the chain of command to address PAC exemplifies trust in leadership to quickly and effectively address violations of our standards.

 2. Equal Opportunity Coordinator (EOC) 

     The EOC are appointed by the Commander and will assist the command facilitating PAC training, standing inspections and serve as the units’ survey administrator for Command Climate Assessments. EOC will NOT conduct complaint intakes, they will do a warm hand off with the servicing EOA.

3. Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)

     EOAs are assigned by DC M&RA to serve as the Marine Corps SMEs on command climate and PAC violations. Combat Logistics Regimental EOA can be reached at email:

useful documents

Complaint Form



Commanding Officer's Prohibited Activities and Conduct Statement 

Leaders within CLR-37 will ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in and out of combat. "Taking care of Marines" means vigorously enforcing our high standards of performance and conduct. We will hold each other accountable and address violations expeditiously, at the lowest appropriate level. Everyone is tasked with preventing and responding to prohibited conduct involving sexual harassment, prohibited discrimination, harassment, hazing, bullying, dissident, and protest activities, and wrongful distribution or broadcasting of intimate images. These behaviors are referred to collectively as prohibited activities and conduct (PAC). (MARINE CORPS ORDER 5354. IF)


Ensure all personnel assigned to CLR 37 understand and uphold our standards to foster a climate of dignity, care, and concern for all. The chain of command is the most effective avenue to address PAC violations and uphold our standards.

End States: Promote the chain of command as the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to PAC. Marines and Sailors assigned to CLR 37 will receive recurring standardized training to build skills to promote positive behaviors and provide clear, easy-to-understand descriptions ofPAC. Training will be specific to rank, position, and responsibility


Facilitate appropriate, responsive care and services for those who are adversely impacted by PAC. Direct the use of Conflict Management when appropriate. This new informal mediation process can help Marines and Sailors develop inter-personal communication and awareness of issues that, if not appropriately addressed, may negatively impact command climate and unit cohesion. Conflict Management is facilitated by an Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) at my direction. Conflict Management provides the Command a means to direct informal resolution of PAC complaints at the lowest appropriate level.

End States: Easily accessible and effective complaint system. Treats alleged victims, complainants, witnesses, alleged offenders, and others with respect. Program operates promptly, thoroughly, and impartially. Impose appropriate consequences for prohibited discrimination, harassment or related misconduct, such as retaliation



Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps

Commanding Officer

3d Marine Logistics Group