When you arrive on island, your sponsor will take you to visit the housing office. At this time, the housing representative will review your needs and the available housing options. There are several factors that affect your housing assignment including the Marines duty camp, rank and the size of your family. Newcomers to the island are required to live on base if on base housing options that fit their family needs are available. You will be offered two housing options to choose from. These may be on the same base or two different locations.
If base housing is NOT available that fits the needs of your family, you will be authorized to look for a house in the local Okinawa area. Your housing representative will provide the names of civilian housing agencies that can assist in the process. These agencies are familiar with the needs of military members and will be able to communicate with you. Because you will be living in town, you will receive a special allowance for housing. Because the cost of living in Okinawa can be higher than some families may be accustomed to, the Marine Corps requires that you stay within your allowance and your final choice must be approved by the housing office. Please be aware, that you may be asked to provide a deposit as well as first and last months rent when you secure your lease. For this reason, it is advised to plan ahead to have between $xxxx and $xxxxx available to ease the process. Many agencies are willing to work with incoming families if the upfront costs are a challenge.