
Photos page for 3d Marine Logistics Group (III MEF)

Oct 11, 2012

Col. Jay M. Bargeron, left, and Lt. Col. Todd P. Simmons, middle, explain career options to Col. Stephen J. Gabri at Camp Foster Oct. 8. Marines with Manpower Management Officer Assignments met with officers stationed on Okinawa to evaluate and assist them with career progression and development. “Our job is to make sure officers are placed in billets that are right for them,” said Bargeron. “We figure out what the officers want to do, but the needs of the Marine Corps ultimately determine where their career will develop.” Bargeron is a ground colonel monitor, and Simmons is a ground lieutenant colonel monitor with MMOA, Manpower and Reserve Affairs. Gabri is the chief of staff, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force.

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3d Marine Logistics Group